Summer Camp


Practice by Yuval Pick © Xavier Boyer

Intensive training

July 9 to 12, 2024

10am - 4pm

CCNR dance studio, Rillieux-la-Pape

After the Cocotte festival, it’s Summer Camp’s turn to rock the CCN de Rillieux-la-Pape.

With Noémie De Almeida Ferreira AKA Noé, dancers will spend four days working with Yuval Pick’s method, Practice. Classes and workshops will punctuate the days at the Velette studio. Imagination will guide bodies in their creativity. Participants will be invited to dance and explore together throughout the week. The Summer Camp will close with a JAM, combining dance and music.

The Practice method

Yuval Pick has been developing a method that has nourished his dance and his pieces for the last twenty years and has become the daily practice of his company. Practice reveals and exalts creativity, encourages to find an intimate depth of each movement and (re)discover one’s unique physical identity. Practice enriches virtuosity through precise exercises and improvisation guided by playful and organic images. Practice is now taught in dance schools and companies in France and abroad.

“We’re here to free ourselves, dare to explore and enjoy moving towards the unknown.”
— Yuval Pick

Public: professional dancers

Cost: 100€ (limited places)

Selection based on application:
→ Fill and send this form to the following email address with a CV, a photography and a video link attached before June 28 2024 at midnight. The list of the selected interns will be published before July 5 2024.

+33 (0)4 72 01 12 30

Program July 9 > 11

10am-11:30amPractice class
11:45am-1:15pm — workshop
1:15pm-2:15pm — lunch break
2:15pm-3:45pm — workshop
3:45pm-4pm — feedback

Program July 12

1:30pm-3pm — Practice class
3:15pm-4:15pm — workshop
4:30pm-7:30pm — JAM