Into the silence

5 de December de 2023 The Company on tour
Into the

“I want to create a poetic dialogue between dancers and audiences that makes the space vibrate.”
— Yuval Pick

In the evening Into the silence, composed of a female duet and a male solo, Yuval Pick aims to create a privileged, artifice-free harmony between the expressiveness of the body and an existing musical composition. The choreographer feels the need to make visible the rich and abundant aspect of a dancing body. Inspired by Jean-Sébastien Bach’s Goldberg Variations, he wishes to develop a compositional and sensory approach that responds to the intervals produced by Rosalyn Tureck’s sensitive interpretation.

Like a leitmotif and a point of gravity, Bach’s music is once again at the heart of Yuval Pick’s new creation, Into the silence. The choreographer tells us more about its genesis and main themes…

 After PlayBach in 2010 and Vocabulary of need in 2020, Bach’s music is once again at the heart of one of your creations, Into the silence

 Yuval Pick (YP) — I’ve long been familiar with the world of Bach, whose music for me evokes loops that overlap and respond to each other, with rotations and spiral movements… I’ve always been particularly touched by his Goldberg Variations, which seem to me almost like a natural landscape. When I listen to the Variations, I also have the sensation of a spine: I feel both centered and open to what surrounds me. After listening to other versions, I discovered Rosalyn Tureck’s interpretation, which is slower and leaves more intervals in which to introduce the dance. Among the 32 scores, I also had to make a difficult choice, as the Variations constitute an almost continuous flow. 

Into the silence also marks a new stage in your choreographic work… 

YP – Yes, it’s a whole new aspect: I wanted to put the ®Practice method and philosophy at the heart of my choreographic research, by confronting it with existing music, to see how it reveals itself and dialogues with Practice.

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May 30, 2025
CCN of Tours, as part of Tours d'Horizon Festival

About the creation

Into the silence‘s teaser

Into the silence, création 2024 Yuval Pick © Sébastien Erôme
Into the silence, création 2024 Yuval Pick © Sébastien Erôme
Into the silence, création 2024 Yuval Pick © Sébastien Erôme


Choreography: Yuval Pick
Choreographic assistant: Sharon Eskenazi
Performers: Noémie De Almeida Ferreira and Madoka Kobayashi (duet), Guillaume Forestier (solo)

Music: Jean Sébastien Bach
Music Manager: Pierre-Jean Heude
Lighting: Sébastien Lefèvre
Costumes: Gabrielle Marty, assisted by Florence Bertrand
External artistic vision: Julie Guibert

Production: CCNR/Yuval Pick

Coproduction: Scenario Pubblico — Compagnia Zappalà Danza, Catania (Italy) ; 
Residences: L’Échappée — Médiathèque de Rillieux-la-Pape

With the support of Institut Français, Métropole de Lyon and Fondazione Franco-Italiana per la creazione contemporanea.

Length: 50 min (20 + 30 min)

Photos: Sébastien Erôme



May 30, 2025
CCN of Tours, as part of Tours d'Horizon Festival


October 25, 2024 at 9pm
Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Palermo (Italy), as part of Prima Onda Festival
Première / with the support of the Institut Français et the Métropole de Lyon
October 19 at 9pm + October 20 at 7pm, 2024
Scenario Pubblico — Compagnia Zappalà Danza, Catania (Italy)
Previews / With the support of the Institut Français and the Métropole de Lyon

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